Stellar Student of the Month: Leonie from Germany

German Exchange Student Leonie in DC
Apr 25 2018

We received so many amazing April nominations for Stellar Student of the Month, we couldn’t choose just one! This month, we would also like to introduce Leonie from Germany, who has been a rock star in the classroom and has brightened the lives of her host community in Texas. Danke schön, Leonie! What surprised you most when you came to … Read More »

“[My host family and I] had directly a good connection to each other. I feel now I have another family in America… We had a great relationship with a lot…

Lisa from Germany

“This completes my third year hosting as a double placement, and I would not even consider a placement through any other agency. The three of us got along delightfully and…

Lane from Washington, USA

“What I like the best about America is the people…School is really different, very social and not so strict, I love it. How Americans celebrate the holidays has been very surprising…very different…I…

Vivien from Germany

“It is amazing how fast the students adapt to your home life and become just like your own son or daughter. They have personalities that bring a lot of different…

Mark from Utah, USA
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